Saturday, 22 March 2014

The status of women in Nigeria should be urgently and critically looked into. This should form a key focus of the national conference and I hope there are those appointed to represent the interests of the Nigerian woman in the conference. (Mama Peace, shey u no forget your constituency ni!) This also goes for other African countries. Its really high time we started treating our women with utmost respect and fear of the law. There should be laws made specifically to protect the women - our wives,...

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is the kind of mystery that’s not supposed to be possible anymore. The Information Age is also the age of surveillance, of interconnectedness, of cloud computing, of GPS satellites, of intelligence agencies that can monitor terrorists from space or call in a drone strike from a control console on the other side of the world. But...

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

What you eat determines who you are, how you feel, and of course, how you look. Here’s how to avoid eating out of habit, emotional distress or plain boredom and ensure that food satiates you on all levels. Eat when hungry, not because you should be hungry: Your diet chart doesn’t have to resemble a military time table, where you must at all costs have lunch at noon and a tea/coffee break plus snack later in the afternoon. Sometimes, you may just not feel like it. Listen to your body, not your...

Monday, 3 March 2014

When the SELECT trial started in 2001, there were high hopes it would prove that taking vitamin E or selenium could help prevent prostate cancer. The newest results from the trial show just the opposite—that taking selenium or vitamin E can actually increase the odds of developing prostate cancer. Bottom line: men shouldn’t take selenium or vitamin E as a way to prevent...
I come from a family of champion snorers. Mother, father, brothers—we all broadcast nightly like buzz saws. But by 2006, my snorking and snarking took an unhealthy turn. Instead of merely driving everyone nearby to distraction, I began to stop breathing for short periods. Dozens of times per night, my upper airway...
 Whenever Pastor Chris says something new, its usually an opportunity for a new level of knowledge and insight..... whats your take on this one..  ...

Saturday, 1 March 2014

I am sure you have seen a lot of eggs in your life time but one with a tail is surely not something you come across on a daily basis. This bizarre egg with a 3cm long tail was discovered at a house in Lingen, China. The egg which is said to be a little larger than your everyday egg has a twisted tail which makes one a bot reluctant to eat. It was found in the home of a villager, Mr Lu, who keeps...
Chris Brown has been diagnosed as bi-polar, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and self-medicating inappropriately. This was revealed during his last court appearance... He appeared in court yesterday for a probation hearing and a letter from his rehab facility gave the singer high marks for improvement but suggested he remain in treatment. The letter, obtained...