Friday, 8 November 2013

Why do people say "Grow some balls"? Balls are weak and fucking sensitive! If you really want to get tough, like seriously,u want to get tough? Then grow a vagina! Yes! Vejayjay! I mean those things really take some poundi...
Bacteria in Your belle(Stomach),Gut feelings, may train the immune system to attack joints    The bacteria that live in your intestines are a mixed blessing. Scientists have known for decades that this so-called microbiota helps us digest our food and crowds out infectious germs. The bugs have also been implicated in allergies and obesity. Now, a new study adds one more potential...
Timing is everything. Infection-fighting TH17 cells (green) in the intestine cause disease when the body clock is  disrupted Jet lag, shift work, and even late nights staring at your tablet or smartphone may be making you sick. That's because the body's internal clock is set for two 12-hour periods of light and darkness, and when this rhythm is thrown off, so is the immune system. One...